Raise your Vibration Hub
Check out my top tips to keep your vibration high and outlook positive!
Access free meditations & energy clearings to relax and soothe your body, soul and mind!
House Energy Clearing
Its important to ensure the energy in your home is clear of negative influences and has a positive, high vibrational charge. This will ensure you feel happy, comfortable and relaxed at home and can also help improve your sleep quality!
One of my favourite ways to cleanse my home is with a sage smudge stick (or smudging as its sometimes called). Sage has been used for thousands of years, by indigenous tribes, all across the world, for its ability to clear, cleanse and purify spaces, energies and items. I tend to light my sage, and hold it over a plate to catch the embers and ash as it falls, then waft it around every corner, nook & cranny of every single room in my home, whilst making the Energy Clearing Command (which you can download below)
Safety First - Please carefully follow the instructions you receive with your Sage smudge stick to ensure your and your home’s safety!
Wheel of Life Workbook
Balance is not something you find, its something you create!
Use this template to help assess your happiness and satisfaction in each area of your life. Then you can decide, where is the best place to begin making changes to create the balance you desire!